Thursday, May 24, 2012

On the move ........again

We are a week away from our big move to Washington. 
This has me reflecting on the changes we have seen since moving to Moscow.

 We have been here 2 1/2 years. This is the longest time I have had the same address since I left home 11 years ago. (before this the longest was 9 months)

Since Bryan and I moved in together when we got married this is our 6th 6 years. 

The things in our house have changed a bit. There are no diapers, no highchair, no crib, no baby toys or clothes smaller than 3T.

There have been many changes but I see it most in the girls.

I cannot believe how much the girls have changed. When we moved here Abby had just turned 1 she was still a baby.  Here is what she looked like. So little.

 And Brooke was just 2 when we moved here. She is such a "big" kid now.

 Look at them now. 
From those cute babies to beautiful little girls. Wow that went fast!

 We have enjoyed our time here in Northern Idaho.
On to the next adventure!

1 comment:

Danette said...

Hey Lady didn't know you were moving! Good luck, what part of Washington is it? I hope it all turns out wonderfully for you guys.