Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Brooke had her surgery yesterday. Everything went really well. Usually in kids they do this surgery in 2 parts so we were expecting to get the first part done yesterday. Brooke's great Doctor got into the surgery and realized they could do both parts now. They split it up because kids skulls are thinner than adults so they put in the titanium post and let it heal for a few months before they go back in and put in the snap. Brooke's skull was thick enough to do both parts together! 
Its the first and only time I will be happy she has a hard head!!!!
 If you want to read more about this go
HERE   and  HERE

 We checked into the hospital at 6:00 am and we set out for home about 1:30. Brooke is feeling pretty good. Actually better than expected. I would have expected her to want to lay on the couch and watch movies for a few days. She wants to run, dance, and be a normal 5 year old. Now my job is getting her to rest. 

 Getting vitals first thing in the morning


 Talking to Grandma while waiting.....

 They put a smiley face on the correct ear and Brooke thought that was funny. 

 Right before the surgery they gave Brooke a sedative. This is where she got really happy and funny. Here she is sticker beard. I am glad they did this because she was really calm before they went tot he OR.

 Here is Brooke just before they left when she was on the "happy juice" All of the sudden there was a train in the room!

 Just out of the OR in recovery. 

 With Dr Olds

 A few hours later she was ready for food and ready to go home. 

 Going for a walk before we get ready for discharge.

 Resting at home. 

 Abby really loved the HUGE balloon Daddy brought home. Abby spent the night and day with some good friends. She had a great time and we were so thankful she had a place to go and play.

I am so glad her surgery went well. I am so glad its over! Worrying the week before the surgery was hard. Waiting for the surgery to be over was pure torment.
The bandage will come off tomorrow then she has a healing cap that will stay on for a few weeks. Then after the bone heals in a few months she will get her hearing aid put on her head.

The bandage came off today. Here is the healing cap she will keep on for about 2 weeks. 


Beth said...

I hope Brooke is feeling better. It's so scary when our little ones have to have surgery.

Unknown said...

I am so excited for her and you guys!!! That's great that she only needed one surgery! Brooke is so awesome. Let me know how things are going with it all! Matthew is scared to do the surgery and I don't really know what to tell him to make him feel comfortable with it. Obviously I am not going to force it but sometimes I think that if I did then after it's all over he would be glad I did. Does Brooke's BAHA make noise when her hair touches it? Again I'm just so happy she was able to get the surgery! And how exciting the adventure of moving and a new job for Bryan! Hope all goes well with that!

quisp said...

We're all so, so glad that the surgery is over, and that everyone (Mom and Dad included!) are doing well - one of my best friends from college is an audiologist at Stanford & says the BAHA device is the top of the line device & a great choice for kids! Stay well & keep up the good work with those amazing kids!!!! Love from WI